
3:56 p.m.


Read This Diary

Lucky me! At the end of the most recent boring diary entry when I visited this site was � a boring short story! I'm hurting. Ow ow ow ow. Dammit, can I get worker's comp if my IQ drops fifty points from reading bad journals?

OK, spelling and grammar: I thought we went over this. It is very very stupid to submit a diary for us to review that has contractions like "b4" and "4 ever" and "ppl" and "sry" in it and "2" and "U" as freestanding words. We will mock you. Remember?

Sadly, I'm so burned out from the Random Capitalization and million ellipses and hideously bad spelling and total boringness of the diary that I can't even properly mock it. The awfulness of the diary has sapped all the energy I would usually allocate for that kind of viciousness.

Instead I am giving it a -5 out of 70 for content. I'd give it a -10, but there's a sexy picture of Johnny Depp on one of the entries and that's worth something.

STYLE 0/10
Totally inarticulate. Sorry, but "bad" is not a valid style.

The base design is OK, but it's had too much stuff piled onto it. The bottom of each entry is bogged down with pictures and buttons and banners, and the main menu has too many irrelevant outside links.

I'd recommend stripping the non-diary-related links out or at least dumping them onto an entry page. As it is, they just get in the way.

Too much junk on the main menu. Also, where the hell are the next entry/previous entry links for each entry? Are they even there at all? If they are, I shouldn't have to work to find them. And if they're not there, what the hell are you thinking leaving them out?

I had to go to the archive page to get to anything other than the most recent entry, and that's so incredibly obnoxious that I think I am morally required to come over to your house and tie you to a chair and reenact that scene from Reservoir Dogs where they cut off the dude's ear, just to teach you a lesson.

Every few days, much to my chagrin.

posted by April at 3:56 p.m.
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Opal Reviews