
2:41 p.m.

I Am Falling

Read This Diary


OK, I don't know exactly where to go with this one. It switches off between boring "here's what I did at school today" stuff and then just when I want to run for the couch so I can watch The Young Ones for the millionth time in a row, it takes off on some seriously goofy flights of fancy. For example, on a Christmas wish list, she says she wants "one of those things with two wheels on either side of you that you don't steer it just feels you steering." A Segway? I don't care. It's funny.

It's got silly commentary on everyday amusements like vacuuming, which is funny. And funny is good.

The grammar's pretty good. The spelling isn't perfect, but it could be a whole lot worse.

So I guess what this author needs is what a lot of us need: an editor. Doesn't have to be an official editor, just someone to look over your shoulder and tell you when the writing sucks ass, and smack you upside the head every time you use the word "yummy."

STYLE 10/10
Yup, a distinct style. It's obvious the author has a strong enough sense of how the language works that she's not afraid to mess around with it and break the rules. Good.

Pretty solid, pretty clean. I'm not the world's biggest fan of kitty-cats-doing-something-cute pictures, but the photo is tolerable.

Pretty clear. The only way it could be easier to use would be if the new/older/notes/profile/e-mail menu were in its own section and didn't scroll with each diary entry, since that would make it easier to get to in a hurry. I care about this stuff because I have carpal tunnel syndrome and no attention span, so I want to be able to get to any part of any site with as little work and mouse movement as possible.

You update. Yay.

posted by April at 2:41 p.m.
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