
11:12 a.m.


First off, Hi, how's it going? Second: I will destroy you. No, no, just kidding, heh heh heh. I, too, am a Catholic school refugee. I had Sister Angelique for English and Creative Writing, so yeah, I do know a gerund from an adverbial phrase. I expect you to, as well. The only people who are allowed to break the rules are the ones who know them by heart, and I promise you, I can tell the difference. So, on with the show...

I'm a communications/English major, so when it comes to diaries, I'm all about the nitty-gritty. Think of me as the American Literature teacher you loved to hate in high school--I can cover even the most delicate of diaries in a bloody mess of red ink. Capitalizations, comma splices, and unnecessary use of the infamous "LoL" are known to get me irate. But on the whole, I really look for diaries that are pressure-packed with content--those without originality need not apply. If your entries are good enough to pique my interest, you might come through unscathed.

Grammar geek with a knack for art. Been reading since she was 3 years old. Usability freak. Codes her HTML & CSS from scratch. If there is a way to tear your diary apart, she will find it.

I used to be a reader for a literary agent and I have a Bachelor's in Fine Arts, which means I read a LOT of bullshit. If you're going to bullshit, at LEAST bullshit well. Make your bullshit worth my time.

Bio pending - she's trying to think of something funny.

I'm new and still trying to decide on how best to describe how brilliant I really am for everyone. Don't worry, I'll come up with it sooner rather than later! If you really want to know about me, just go read my fabulously interesting diary! I have to tell you upfront that I am not much of a fan of day to day, non-intropective diaries. I want some insight, some personal searching, some philosophy. I like to be able to learn who someone really is through their diary, not just what they ate for breakfast. That's boring! But hey, maybe it's just me.

posted by April at 11:12 a.m.
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