
6:12 p.m.


Read This Diary

Well I learned more about anime than I ever thought. I also learned what I assume to be Japanese. You love this Kade kid a lot too. Some entries are downright boring or short one liners that really don�t mean anything to anyone but you or your friends. Most of your entries could use a run through the ol� spell check too. Giving out your mom�s number is not a plus. I can�t say there is anything that makes me want to keep reading or ever come back.

I will add that every once and a while there are some neat �rants� and I am assuming this is your poem. With those, you did a great job getting me into the mood.

STYLE 5/10
I assume you are writing for yourself and not to attract readers. You are the typical teen girl- all about her boyfriend. I do like that you do explain most anime terms in practically every entry and that makes you a caring anime fan. Also your use of l33t terms |20g|<�

You NEED to go to Beautify fast! The only thing you added was the �Sex in the city� ring. I recommend you find some anime rings too and make a rings page- don�t clutter them all over your diary. You also mention that you �broke� the link at the bottom this causes that ugly red x � here�s an easy way to fix that if you stick with this layout. Just change your layout using the link under Change your template and re-add the �Sex in the city� link. There is also this sight you can check out that will help you learn html so you can eventually create your own layout.

Two words: Archive and Profile. Archiving can be done by utilizing the archive feature on the member�s page. Profile cannot be found on your page due to the loss of your second navigation bar (red X) and I tell you how to fix that. I learned a lot more about you when I hunted down your profile but that wouldn�t help someone just breezing through and happens to want to learn more about you.

You were learning to be more frequent but your starting to slack now
posted by April at 6:12 p.m.
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Opal Reviews