
4:16 p.m.


Read This Diary


Where do I begin? I seem to be a magnet for the diaries of young teenage girls with not much to say. Or maybe with a lot to say and just lacking the skills to actually write what they feel. First of all, your diary is fairly new and there are lots of extras, but not a ton of entries yet. Aside from this, most of what you talk about has to do with your friends, school, cheerleading, etc. Now, I was 16 once, had friends, boys, and was even a cheerleader, believe it or not, so I understand that these are the things that one�s life revolves around at this age. That being said, it becomes very redundant when read in rapid succession. Now I saw a glimmer of hope in this entry. You were still talking about the same stuff, but you had some fire, some passion! This is what you should strive for in your writing. If you�re mad, be mad. If you are pissed off, then write it full out. If you are bored, don�t just say you�re bored, try to delve a little deeper and explore it. I realize that being a teenager is hard and is filled with so many ups and downs in the emotion department that you feel like the roller coaster will never stop. But the advantages of this time in your life are that you can choose to harness those radical emotions and write them down. If you don�t feel comfortable with the journaling style of writing, then you should try poetry. You have some listed by other people and one poem you wrote years ago, maybe if you have an interest in it you should try that as a medium for expressing yourself. I�ve written poetry much of my life, and when I started out it was very shitty indeed, but the more you do it and the more you read of other�s, the better you get. I felt bad giving you such a low mark here, but I really think you are lacking in the ability to get your emotions across for other�s to feel. If you truly only keep a diary in order to record what happens to you every day, that�s fine, but it�s probably not the kind of diary you want to have reviewed, unless you have a fabulously fascinating life. Which most people, even adults, don�t.

STYLE 8/10

For the most part this was fine other than a few pesky appearances of OMG. Those are a bit annoying, but what are you going to do.

DESIGN 10/10

I like the design. The credit going to Lil Sis Design. I�m not sure the beach theme fits your personality very well, but I don�t feel I should judge on personal preference, just on whether or not it�s well done and credited.


All�s well here, lots of extras, all neatly organized.


You update pretty regularly, even though the diary is not very old. A few days with multiples, but I think some of those might be your extras.

posted by April at 4:16 p.m.
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