
12:43 p.m.

Clr Me Hppy Grl

I know this is going to sound stupid, but your D-land screenname reminds me of some kind of Maybelline mascara commercial... Wasn't there a perfume or something a while back called "Happy?" Yes...? No...? Okay, I know I'm nuts. Let's just get on with the review.

Read This Diary

Let me just say--Wow. Man, that word just doesn't do you any justice, but here it comes again... wow. I was thrilled to find that I had the chance to review your diary. Not only was a I rewarded with plenty of content and interesting little tidbits of your everyday life, but you had the good sense to bring this all together with nearly perfect spelling and grammar. If this were the Diaryland Olympics, I'd be that snotty French judge (Not that I have anything against the French, je les adore) reluctantly handing you over a perfect score. Simply parfait, in my opinion.

I was personally touched by this entry, seeing as how I recently lost my own grandmother. I tried explaining my emotions to other people, but you really broke it down and made it seem real. You warned me about your bad punctuation here, but I really didn't find any faults. Your sentences were fluid, well-constructed, and varied, which makes for some interest. You also write as a mature, experienced person--and you've got a lot of things to teach others. My absolute favorite entry was this one. "Weight as a person?" Damn, I wish I would've thought of that.

STYLE 10/10
Once again, a perfect 10. You've got a very special sense of humor, and it comes across wonderfully in your writing.

DESIGN 10/10
I'm not too keen on the actual color scheme of the template, but it's great nonetheless. It's got a calming and subdued look, which is a bit different from my personal tastes... Looks like you designed it yourself...? Impressive.

All neatly aligned at the top of the page. The links all work, too.

As often as possible.

posted by April at 12:43 p.m.
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