
8:21 p.m.


Read This Diary

Holy crap, I want your life. Reading this diary is like watching Sex in the City only without all the sex. Shopping, reorganizing closets, getting your "dream job" and bitching about all the annoying people in New York City. What can be better? I'd love to hate your guts and be jealous of you but I just can't. You have this endearing quality that seeps through all the spoiled brattishness. You're innocent and worldly all at once. I loved your entry "Annoyed and Irrational" where you talk about the people staring at your chest. Your remark was, indeed, a propos, but to me the best part about it was that you thought the quote was uttered by some old Hollywood starlet. It was, in fact, a snippet from "Seinfeld"...Jerry's girlfriend (played by Teri Hatcher) dumps him because she believes he sent Elaine into a steam room to check out her chest. The girlfriend's parting words are, "They're real and they're spectacular." Here you are, a jet setting young New Yorker, writing fan fiction, and the most quotable of pop culture escapes you. You are darling!

STYLE 8/10
I defer to Sex in the City without the sex, mentioned above.

Very pretty. I'm a girly girl who loves pink. Can't get enough of it. I threw an extra point your way for putting up your old templates. I love looking at those.

I can get to everything and what I clicked was in order.

You slam yourself for not updating; I think you update plenty.

posted by April at 8:21 p.m.
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