
9:46 p.m.


Read This Diary

Let me just say that reading this entry made me squirm a bit ... But that's all well and good, considering the subject. I was noticeably impressed by your writing capability: There's so many people out there who really don't know what to write in the first place, especially when it's just about normal, everyday things. You, however, didn't do that. I found that you were the type of person to take a bit of personal insight into whatever it is you were writing--putting some sort of spin on the things most people take for granted. As for grammar, I can't really complain, either. I really ought to dock you more points for not giving me the chance to tear your entries to pieces. There were a few rare instances where you missed a few capitalizations (a slip of the shift key, perhaps?), and maybe a hasty comma or two; but otherwise, no complaints. The English language gods are smiling down upon you.

STYLE 10/10
Wonderfully refreshing and unique. I didn't have to wade through pages and pages of "LoL!"s or "OmG!"s to get to the important stuff. Your writing is sharp, clear, and concise--something that most people on D-land are seriously lacking.

Mmmm... I take it you like playing the clarinet, eh? Using it as the centerpiece to the design was a great idea--it gave me a quick insight of your personality. I also really appreciate the clean simplicity of your layout... No blinding blinkies or clashing color schemes here, my friend. However, it's the actual lack of color that's going to make me take off a point... A monochromatic scheme is okay for some, but I feel as though you're making it a bit too dark--even if you are the self-proclaimed Bitter Gay Grinch.

You're way too hot-to-trot, Jack. All links and extras are neatly lined up for the world to see.

You deserve your own daily newspaper column. There were a couple of (short) breaks here and there, which is completely understandable. I mean, no one can be constantly connected to their computer, right?

posted by April at 9:46 p.m.
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