
5:43 p.m.


Read This Diary

I have just finished combing through your diary and now I am trying to figure out why you would want a review from someone whose biggest vocabulary word is phantasmagoric. For all I know your diary is cut-and-paste-cut-and-paste plagiarism. I wouldn't know the difference. If that is the case, you deserve serious points for that brilliant stroke of trickery. I'm only docking you five points here because I had no idea what any of your entries were about. My English degree is in Cliff's Notes.

STYLE 10/10
You are stylin' all the way. The entire blog smacks thickly of Henry and June. See, all I can reference here is a frigging movie. I have no idea where you got the words for your links but DAMN. Just DAMN.

DESIGN 10/10
Absolutely gorgeous right down to the fonts. The fade technique is so beautiful to look at, and even though I usually don't like dark backgrounds, this suited your design perfectly. The images are striking and the black hover on your links is eerily lovely.

All there, all working, all fine.

This is the part that amazed me. Even if you are plagiarizing, you are doing some WORK to find stuff to copy. I get the feeling that this is all you, though. So here comes the $10 question...How do you come up with SO MUCH STUFF I DON'T GET? I sure hope people who do get it are reading it, because you're going full out with this blog.

posted by April at 5:43 p.m.
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