
10:00 p.m.

Circus Freak

Read This Diary

Good grief, I think you're wonderful. No kidding. Reading this diary was actually entertaining since so many of these reviews actually seem like work when you're not enjoying a single word that's been written on the screen. But hey, what's not to like? You remind me of Ellen Degeneres in a way... There's this weird, affable part of you that makes me want to know so much more. You know why? 'Cause you've got personality, and lots of it. I love this entry, but I can't really explain why. It's short, sweet, and wonderfully open for interpretation. I'm not sure if you meant it to be that way, but hey, I'm loving it anyway. Ooh, and this one, here? Yeah, that one rocked. You've got a great sense of humor that's wrapped up in simplicity, I love that. You get right to the point, and don't screw around with too many fancy-schmancy ideas just for the sake of getting a chuckle out of your readers.

My only gripes happen to be with your apathy for capitalization. I don't care if you're frickin' Leonardo DaVinci, writing all of your manuscripts backwards and upside down (in Italian, no less), YOU MUST CAPITALIZE THE BEGINNING OF EVERY SENTENCE. This is a basic English axiom, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, ignoring the shift key is cute... For a while. But it shows a total disregard for all the dead, overstuffed white guys who created the often difficult and laborous English language. These poor gentlemen are probably rolling over in their rotting graves because of the disrepect shown to them in modern prose. Get yourself a copy of the latest MLA handbook, and sit down with it, sister (Nothing personal, you know).

STYLE 9/10
Pretty much up to par, if you ask me. I only wish that some of your entries were a little lengthier, but that's something that's ultimately up to your discretion.

DESIGN 10/10
Did I happen to mention that I like simplicity? Well, congratulations, you've impressed me. The color scheme is great, and the faded picture effect worked nicely whenever I happened to scroll over the links. Nothing too crowded, bright, or blinding here... And you haven't put me in a bad mood by using either a totally black or white scroll bar. I can't help but love you.

Easy, breezy, beautiful.

You've been really dedicated over the past two years. Impressive. But hey...? What's with all these entries that don't have any titles? Were you just uninspired, or what? You're to be forgiven because of the great content, but hey, give me something to work with, huh?

posted by April at 10:00 p.m.
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Opal Reviews