
11:09 a.m.


Read This Diary

This diary pretty much reads like the script to an ongoing episode of "Dawson's Creek;" only without the half the drama or the pleasant sight of James Van Der Beek. I know that seeing such a low score is harsh, but honestly, I couldn't really find any depth in these entries. The majority of topics ranged from the first day of high school to being liked by some guy named Brian. Freshman year is a difficult time, but I wasn't really identifying with the "My life sucks and nobody knows it" theme. Call me crazy, but I think there's a whole world of catastrophes out there that rival your own. Not being in the same homeroom with one of your friends holds hardly any weight against half of the things you might happen to see on the news.

But that's not to say I was bored by all of your entries. Some of them had some great potential--I just wish you'd elaborate on your experiences and feelings. For instance, I was touched by your thoughts on abortion and teen pregnancies. I liked "Back to school shopping", because I know I've seen plenty of weirdos in the mall (Jeez, where the heck do these people come from?). And I'd like to know a bit more about your dad's accident, because you were a bit vauge on the circumstances. When reading it, I couldn't understand where your dad works for a living, and what exactly had happened with the lady who caused the accident. And while this entry about Hilary Duff was short, it's definitely true (Think about joining the Anti-Hilary ring while you're at it).

The quality of your spelling came and went... For the most part, you were on point, but I found a good number of mistakes in several entries. You also need to work on paragraph structure... Some of your ideas seemed to run on and on and on--just get to the point already! Break up your thoughts in a logical order so that they can be clearly read and understood by unassuming readers. You seem to write out your feelings in the same order that you think, which isn't the best idea for some. I couldn't always follow your train of thought, and it derailed my attention from your entries.

STYLE 6/10
I'd definitely like to see some longer, in depth entries. You start out with some great ideas, but then you just let them die. You also need to work on the aspect of "showing" versus "telling." Don't tell me how great school is, show me by giving examples of things you like. This is hard for some people to master, but I think you could swing the odds in your favor.

The layout is nice and simple, with a very youthful appearance. I'm glad that you chose this one because it seems to fit your personality; you didn't try to go for something too emotionally heavy or bright and wild. Nice pick.

Your layout allows for some quick navigation, which is great. I didn't have to hunt and peck for your archives page or dig around to find your other features.

You update often enough, with some very "short" hiatuses here and there. Great job here.

posted by April at 11:09 a.m.
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