
11:12 p.m.


Read This Diary


Hmm. For the most part, this is another "here's what I did yesterday" blog. While it's probably useful as a record of what the author has gone through ("Hmmm, what DVD did we buy for the kids that weekend when we went to Wal-Mart?"), it's mind-numbing for anyone who doesn't know anyone in it. There's way too much irrelevant detail.

When something cuts through the everyday bullshit, though, it's ... well, it's a different story. The entry about the author's husband leaving cut right through me, mostly because the author skips the crap and cuts right to what happened and how she's feeling.

The grammar and spelling aren't the worst I've ever seen, but they're not pretty. There are a lot of seemingly endless run-on sentences and random capitalization and goofy typos that would be very easily fixed.

STYLE 3/10

Doesn't stand out. I have no idea what this person is like in real life; very little personality comes across in the diary. Too much rabbiting, not enough happening.

And I'm genuinely sorry to admit it because the author seems like such a sweetheart, but damn I want to kick her in the head for saying stuff like "jammies" instead of "pajamas." Please. You're 31. Stop it already. It's not cute. It's cloying.

DESIGN 10/10

Very sweet! There's a great picture of the author's kids at the top of the page. The colors are harmonious and the layout's pretty slick.


Yup, everything works and it makes sense.


Updated every day or so. Sometimes it seems like there's more frequency than content, but that's kind of how it goes with most blogs.

posted by April at 11:12 p.m.
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