
12:12 p.m.


Read This Diary

I probably read more of your diary than I have of any other I read for a review. You achieved this distinction by starting your diary with talk about school, and rounding it up with baby talk. I just had to see what came in the middle of all that.

On the other side of the coin, your spelling and grammar are terrible. You really need to run your entries through a spell checker before your post your final draft. Sometimes the mistakes are so copious it makes the entry confusing, and they make you sound dumb.

You talk an awful lot about what day it is technically. We get it. You stay up late. We don't have to hear about it in every single entry. Also, reading lengthy descriptions of the video games you play is not interesting. It makes you seem kind of pathetic. Aside from your boyfriend, who takes up a lot of your diary, it seems like all you ever do is play video games and do laundry. If you do the very same thing every single day, your readers don't have to know about it.

You might want to put your entry titles and dates at the top of your entries, because there are times you don't update for months, then come back, and it's hard to tell where exactly we are without those clues.

STYLE 2/10
I guess your style is your terrible spelling and grammar, which doesn't make it anything to write home about.

I'm not a big fan of red letters on black background, since it's done so much, but you definitely get props for not having some sort of bloody theme to it. You have three scrollies here, which is two too many.

Your unarchived entries go from most recent to least recent, and then your archived stuff goes the opposite direction. If you switch up your archived stuff, it won't be so confusing.

Good enough for me.

posted by April at 12:12 p.m.
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