
9:36 p.m.


Read This Diary

You're an intelligent young girl who seems to have a lot of juggling to do; especially between your parents and your friends. It's the type of scenario that I've seen time after time: You claim your mother's a bitch, your sisters are annoying, and that nothing in school interests you at all. But guess what? I could find pretty much the same type of fare in 90% of weblogs today. I'm not trying to minimalize your feelings, because it's obvious that you've got some strong opinions and beliefs, but I just wish you'd take the time to frame your entries into something a bit more introspective. I found this entry chock-full of your average family angst. Yep, you've got it all here; enough "I hate my sister, my mother, and the rest of my freaking family" fare to give everyone more than a second helping. This entry sounds a lot like me when I was your age, so much pent up anger and frustration. You could can be so poetic and complex when you want to be (As seen by those quotes that introduce each entry--I loved those!)... Why don't you put it to some good use? Words like "Fuck you, bitch" kind of loose their lustre after, oh, I don't know, the thousandth time around? Give me more entries like this one or even this one, huh? You could've done so much with these, and I was looking forward to seeing more like it, but I got lost in all the blood-red angst.

Here's the bottom line: You've definitely got the emotion to fill your entries... It's the execution that worries me. Try finding some new ways to express yourself, because you're going to find you've already cussed out everyone from here to Houston. Get creative about insulting people, get enthusiastic and innovative about being upset. If you're gonna use words like "fuck," don't make it appear as often as an episode of the "Osbournes." I don't know about you, but hearing all of those bleeps got old really fast.

STYLE 7/10
Don't take this the wrong way, but uh... You come across as very bitter and hostile. Yeah, high school sucks. But sooner or later, you're going to move on and find something else to gripe about. That's life.

Not necessarily my style, but it suits the purpose of your diary. Everything was neat and well-arranged, and I didn't have to squint like hell in order to use your black scroll-bar (one of my biggest pet-peeves).

Like I said, it's all neat and clean.

Whoa, what happened between July and September? Okay, so you got grounded... I guess I can't punish you for that. Aside from some occasional gaps, you're pretty frequent, sometimes updating several times a day.

posted by April at 9:36 p.m.
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