
3:17 p.m.


Content 20/70.
Your content is rendered unreadable because of your lack of mastery of the English language. I couldn't even make it through ten entries because I was getting a headache. Your entry titles suggest an interesting read, but if I can't read an entry without mentally putting commas where they belong, I have no interest in reading further. You need to capitalize your I's when talking about yourself; and either write your entries in a word processing program before uploading them to diary-x, or read through them before deciding to leave them as they are. Enough with the "no1" crap. It's spelled "no one." Pick one topic per entry and go with it, or at the very least separate your topics into paragraphs. When you jump from one topic to another within the space of two sentences, it makes me feel like I'm reading someone's stream of consciousness, and the only person that's interesting to is the person who's thinking it.

Style 4/10.
There isn't anything here I couldn't find at any other blog.

Design 6/10.
The design is clean and clear, though you have a broken image at top of your page. You'll want to fix that, whether or not you take any of the rest of my advice.

Navigation 5/5.
Everything was easy to find.

Frequency 5/5.
You update about once a day, though sometimes twice, and I'm never one to say that you can update too often.

posted by April at 3:17 p.m.
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Opal Reviews