
11:28 p.m.

Mia Bogard

Read This Diary

Bwah! I'm sorry, it's a word I just cannot say, but when I see an entry titled "Went to the Cunt Doctor Today," I sit up, take notice, and laugh. Then I blush. When you talk about being on the phone and watching TV at the same time, I laughed, because when I was in high school, my friend Meg and I used to go to our respective homes every day after school and call each other to watch Jeopardy! I guess we never figured out that we could watch it together at someones out. Aaaand...this review has officially turned into an entry for my own diary. Back to you...

I think your diary could use a good spell check, and maybe a readthrough before you go live with it, because I see quite a few mistakes. Nothing I can't live with, and nothing that seems intentional (i.e., No tYpInG lYkE tHyS, etc.), so I'm cool with most of it. Overall, it's an interesting read.

STYLE 10/10
I wasn't really sure where to put this, because it made me laugh so hard, but any reference to Lisa Turtle, or in fact, Saved by the Bell in general, cracks my shit up. I put it in "style" because it wasn't exactly content, etc., etc.

I'm all about simple. If there's nothing flashing in my face, or I don't have to stare at Christina Aguilera's cooch for the whole review, I'm a happy camper.

Barf. Weblog. I don't get it.

Double scrollies irritate the crap out of me. As far as I'm concerned, every webpage in the land should only be allowed one. On my weenie monitor, your archives page has two, so one point off for you. Also, I'm gonna go ahead and ask that you archive a bunch of this older stuff.

Ja, ja, you're there.

posted by April at 11:28 p.m.
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